Mentor day in Oslo 21 October

Many people believe that mentoring is mostly about sharing knowledge and giving advice. Mentoring, however, is a process where mentees are supported in their own learning, where they can reflect and explore in a safe environment. 


Join us in Oslo 21 October to learn more about mentoring. For registration:

We are all mentor and mentees in some way. You might be a sort of mentor for master students or fellow PhDs without even knowing it. Your supervisor or other senior scientists often function as mentors as you go through your education. There does not need to be an established mentor program for you to benefit from using and learning mentoring techniques.

If you are a supervisor mentoring techniques can help you communicate with your students in a more efficient way. You can gain inspiration and learn much about how your behavior influences others.

As a PhD student you will profit greatly by finding mentors to guide or listen to you during your education. A mentor will not hand you your carrier, but will support you and listen. Learning mentoring techniques can benefit your communication at work and you can learn to ask for help in the right way.

The mentor day will be led by Kari Jørstad from IML - Institutt for Medskapende Ledelse. She is an organizational psychologist with many years of experience.

Every PhD student can invite one supervisor to join as well. You attend free of charge and we pay for you travel costs.



Published Sep. 29, 2016 11:09 AM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2016 11:09 AM