Disputas: Bao Quoc Tran

cand.scient. Bao Quoc Tran ved Kjemisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Multidimensional LC methods for proteomics


Se prøveforelesning


Professor Lars Blomberg, Karlstad Universitet, Sverige
Førstemanuensis Kari Espolin Fladmark, Universitet i Bergen
Professor Harald Møllendal, Kjemisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo

Leder av disputas:  Walter Lund

Veileder:  Tyge Greibrokk, Elsa Lundanes, Frode Rise


The research and dissertation were carried out at Department of Chemistry – University of Oslo.

Study proteomics is a way to discover the role of proteins in cells, tissue or organs. Understanding the functions as well as the interactions of proteins is important for diagnoses of diseases and also for medical treatments. However, the complexity of protein compositions in biological samples is a challenge and requires a very long analysis.

This dissertation refers to development of liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry methods in proteomics. Although the analytical systems were highly complex, the analyses of proteins in such biological samples were successfully developed with a short analytical time and a potential of automation.


For mer informasjon, kontakt Andreas Alvarez Orvik.

Publisert 30. mars 2012 15:50 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2012 10:20