2. International Full Scale Simulations of Warhead Dismantlement Verification

The second International Full Scale Simulations of Warhead Dismantlement Verification to be held in collaboration with King's College London will take place 4.June - 8.June 2012. The program for the part of the simulation exercise taking place at Blindern is presented below. Please note that the lectures in the open sessions are open to anyone interested in the topic.


Day one:

Open Session: General Introduction


Helga Engs house at Blindern campus, UiO
Lecture room U 35

 08:00 Registration and warm up

 09:00 Opening Remarks, Dr. Ole Reistad, SAFE-UiO, IFE.

 09:10 Workshop welcome: Chris Hobbs, KCL.

 09:20 Opening Speech: Norwegian Disarmament Research Program:  Inga Nyhamar, Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

09:45 Disarmament Verification and Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: Patricia Lewis, Chatham House.

10:45 Multilateral Disarmament Verification: Andreas Persbo, VERTIC

11:15 Coffee Break

11:45 Previous Disarmament Verification cooperation: Malte Goettsche, ZNF, University of Hamburg

12:30 Protocols, Onsite Cooperation, and legal standards of disarmament: Andreas Persbo, VERTIC.

13:15 Lunch

Closed Session: Negotiations Preparations

Parallel Sessions                     

Room U 29   


Hosts identify WH dismantlement tasks, assign individual roles and responsibilities and prepare strategy paper (Advisers- Ole, Isabelle)

Room 232


Inspectors identify and justify on-site monitoring activities and methods, assign individual roles and responsibilities, and prepare strategy paper (Advisers- Chris, Keith)



Host review negotiation position paper (Adviser- Patricia)



Inspection team review negotiation position paper (Adviser- Keith)



Host team prepare national statement & review strategy paper session 1

(Advisers- Ole, Nikolai)


Inspector team prepare national statement and review strategy paper session 1(Advisers-Keir, Chris)




17:00 Discussion Q& A

17:30 End of Day One

Day two:

Open Session: Technical  Introduction

Venue: Helga Engs house at Blindern campus, UiO
Lecture room U 35


09:00 Opening Remarks and technical workshop welcome: Steinar Backe, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE).

09:15 Briefing on Safety, Security and Health issues: Steinar Backe, IFE.

09:45 National Security issues and Managed Access: Keith Tolk.

10:15 Non-Destructive Assay – What’s Available and What’s Appropriate for Verifying Nuclear Disarmament?: David Keir, VERTIC.

11:00 Coffee Break

11:15 Nuclear Forensics and Disarmament Verification: Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

11:45 Information Barriers, concepts, developments and future: Malte goettsche, ZNF, University of Hamburg.

12:15 Certification and Authentication of disarmament devices and equipments: Keith Tolk.

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Accounting and Verification rules in previous US-Russian nuclear arms control treaties: what can be adapted and what must change: Nikolai Sokov, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation.


Closed Session: Start of Negotiations


14:30 discussion and review of national and strategy papers session 2 (Nikolai lead host and Andreas lead inspection)

15:15 Coffee Break.

15:30: Preparatory negotiation Session 1: Presentation of national statements and debate on verification procedures.

17:00 End of Day two



Published May 30, 2012 1:17 PM - Last modified May 30, 2012 1:22 PM