Disputas: Kjetil Thøgersen

Master i fysikk Kjetil Thøgersen ved Fysisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Statistical properties of sheared suspensions

Tid og sted for prøveforelesning

Kjetil Thøgersen

Se prøveforelesning


  • Dr. John F. Brady, Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Emmanuel Villermaux, Institut Universitaire de France & Aix- Marseille Universite, Marseille
  • Dr. Joakim Bergli, Department of Physics, University of Oslo

Leder av disputas

Professor Jøran I. Moen


  • Professor Anders Malthe- Sørenssen, Universitetet i Oslo
  • Professor Marcin Dabrowski, Universitetet i Oslo


Particle suspensions are ubiquitous in nature and technology. Among the numerous phenomena in geology and geophysics, suspension behavior is important to understand avalanches and debris flows. They are important to understand the rheology of crystal rich magmas, as well as transport of subsurface contaminants. In industry, suspensions are part of paper coatings, paints, and foodstuffs, and are also used in extraction processes of natural gas. Suspensions in biology include the flow of blood, as well as swimming bacteria, which is an example from the broader definition of active matter.

Despite the large number of applications, many aspects of suspension behavior remain elusive. This thesis explores the statistical properties of suspensions in shear flow, including self diffusion, particle clustering and effective viscosity.

For mer informasjon

Kontakt ekspedisjonskontoret.

E-post: ekspedisjon@fys.uio.no

Telefon: 22 85 64 28

Publisert 3. mai 2016 12:34 - Sist endret 4. mai 2016 08:13