Jan Erik Weber

Image of Jan Erik Weber
Norwegian version of this page
Room 2416
Visiting address Blindernveien 31 Kristine Bonnevies hus 0371 OSLO
Postal address Pb. 1047 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Academic Interests

  • Air-sea interaction
  • Buoyancy-driven convection
  • Sea ice formation
  • Topographic wave generation and propagation
  • Turbulent mixing
  • Wind- and wave-induced ocean currents
  • Dynamics of very viscous fluids
  • Elastic film interaction with surface waves

Higher education and employment history


  • 1974: Dr. Philos (Ph.D.) Appl. Math.
  • 1969: Cand. Real. (M.S.) Appl. Math.

Positions held

  • 1979 - present: Professor, Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo
  • 1978 - 1979: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo
  • 1977 - 1978: Senior Scientist, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • 1974 - 1975: Senior Visitor, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 1973 - 1977: University Research Fellow. University of Oslo
  • 1970 - 1973: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics 1970 - 1973
  • 1986 (6 mnd), 1997 (3 mnd): Visiting Professor, University of Cambridge, UK
Tags: Oceanography, Air-sea interaction, Buoyancy-driven convection, Sea ice formation, Topographic wave, Turbulent mixing


  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Brostrøm, Gøran (2024). Continental shelf wave generation due to surface stress anomalies in the wake of offshore wind farms . Continental Shelf Research. ISSN 0278-4343. 279, p. 1–8. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2024.105278. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H.; Whitchelo, Yiyi; Pirolt, Jon Alexander; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Rabault, Jean & Jensen, Atle (2023). Observations of transient wave-induced mean drift profiles caused by virtual wave stresses in a two-layer system. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. ISSN 0022-1120. 975( A12). doi: 10.1017/jfm.2023.864. Full text in Research Archive
  • Christensen, Kai Håkon & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2023). Application of a Robin boundary condition to surface waves. Frontiers in Marine Science. ISSN 2296-7745. 10. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1129643. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Isachsen, Pål Erik (2023). Energy transfer from sub-inertial Kelvin waves to continental shelf waves at a transverse bottom escarpment. Continental Shelf Research. ISSN 0278-4343. 258. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2023.104985. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2022). On the coupling between surface waves and the motion in a flexible porous surface layer. Ocean Modelling. ISSN 1463-5003. 174. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2022.102013. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2022). A note on the temporal and spatial attenuation of ocean waves. Ocean Modelling. ISSN 1463-5003. 175. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2022.102027. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Børve, Eli (2022). On group velocity and spatial damping of diurnal continental shelf waves . Continental Shelf Research. ISSN 0278-4343. 232. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104630. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Ghaffari, Peygham (2021). Wave-induced Lagrangian drift in a porous seabed . Environmental Fluid Mechanics. ISSN 1567-7419. doi: 10.1007/s10652-021-09823-4. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2021). On the Stokes drift in traveling surface pulses. Ocean Modelling. ISSN 1463-5003. 166. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101847. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Broström, Göran (2021). Convection in conditionally unstable seawater. AIP Advances. ISSN 2158-3226. 11(7). doi: 10.1063/5.0053629. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Børve, Eli (2021). Diurnal continental shelf waves with a permeable coastal boundary: Application to the shelf northwest of Norway. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids. ISSN 0997-7546. 89, p. 64–71. doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2021.05.003. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Christensen, Kai Håkon (2021). On the analogy between rigid plate motion and mean momentum transfer in surface gravity waves . AIP Advances. ISSN 2158-3226. 11(4). doi: 10.1063/5.0043751. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2021). Lagrangian drift in a permeable bottom layer induced by internal gravity waves. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. ISSN 0280-6495. 73(1), p. 1–9. doi: 10.1080/16000870.2021.1877461. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Christensen, Kai Håkon (2021). On the singular behavior of the Stokes drift in layered miscible fluids. Wave motion. ISSN 0165-2125. 102, p. 1–8. doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2021.102712. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ghaffari, Peygham; Weber, Jan Erik H.; Nøst, Ole Anders & Drivdal, Magnus (2020). Stokes drift in topographic waves over an enclosed basin shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 50(5), p. 1197–1211. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0126.1. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2019). A Lagrangian study of internal Gerstner- and Stokes-type gravity waves. Wave motion. ISSN 0165-2125. 88, p. 257–264. doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2019.06.002. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Christensen, Kai Håkon (2019). Virtual wave stress and transient mean drift in spatially damped long interfacial waves. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids. ISSN 0997-7546. 77, p. 162–170. doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2019.04.004. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2019). Lagrangian studies of wave-induced flows in a viscous ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. ISSN 0967-0645. 160, p. 68–81. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.10.011. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ghaffari, Peygham; Isachsen, Pål Erik; Nøst, Ole Anders & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2018). The influence of topography on the stability of the Norwegian Atlantic Current off Northern Norway. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 48(11), p. 2761–2777. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0235.1. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2018). An interfacial Gerstner-type trapped wave. Wave motion. ISSN 0165-2125. 77, p. 186–194. doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2017.12.002. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2017). Equatorial Stokes drift and Rossby rip currents. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 122(6), p. 4819–4828. doi: 10.1002/2016JC012653. Full text in Research Archive
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2017). Vertically varying Eulerian mean currents induced by internal coastal Kelvin waves. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 122(2), p. 1222–1231. doi: 10.1002/2016JC012377. Full text in Research Archive
  • Drivdal, Magnus Bjørn; Weber, Jan Erik H. & Debernard, Jens B. (2016). Dispersion relation for continental shelf waves when the shallow shelf part has an arbitrary width: Application to the shelf west of Norway. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 46(2), p. 537–549. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0023.1.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H.; Drivdal, Magnus Bjørn; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Brostrøm, Gøran (2015). Some aspects of the Coriolis-Stokes forcing in the oceanic momentum and energy budgets. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 120(8), p. 5589–5596. doi: 10.1002/2015JC010717.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2015). Eulerian volume transport induced by spatially damped internal equatorial Kelvin waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 45(7), p. 1794–1803. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0102.1.
  • Broström, Göran; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Drivdal, Magnus & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2014). Note on Coriolis-Stokes force and energy. Ocean Dynamics. ISSN 1616-7341. 64(7), p. 1039–1045. doi: 10.1007/s10236-014-0723-8.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Ghaffari, Peygham (2014). Mass transport in internal coastal Kelvin waves. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids. ISSN 0997-7546. 47, p. 151–157. doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2014.02.006.
  • Ghaffari, Peygham & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2014). Mass transport in the Stokes edge wave for constant arbitrary bottom slope in a rotating ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 44(4), p. 1161–1174. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0171.1.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H.; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Broström, Göran (2014). Stokes drift in internal equatorial Kelvin waves; continuous stratification versus two-layer models. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 44(2), p. 591–599. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0135.1.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Drivdal, Magnus Bjørn (2012). Radiation stress and mean drift in continental shelf waves. Continental Shelf Research. ISSN 0278-4343. 35, p. 108–116. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.01.001.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2012). A note on trapped Gerstner waves. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 117. doi: 10.1029/2011JC007776.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Støylen, Eivind (2011). Mean drift velocity in the Stokes interfacial edge wave. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 116(C04002). doi: 10.1029/2010JC006619.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2011). Do we observe Gerstner waves in wave tank experiments? Wave motion. ISSN 0165-2125. 48(4), p. 301–309. doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2010.11.005.
  • Støylen, Eivind & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2010). Mass transport induced by internal Kelvin waves beneath shore-fast ice. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 115(C03022). doi: 10.1029/2009JC005298.
  • Wåhlin, Anna Kristine; Johansson, A. M.; Aas, Eyvind; Brostrøm, G.; Weber, Jan Erik H. & Grue, John (2010). Horizontal convection in water heated by infrared radiation and cooled by evaporation: scaling analysis and experimental results. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. ISSN 0280-6495. 62A(2), p. 154–169. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2009.00427.x.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H.; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Denamiel, Clea (2009). Wave-induced setup of the mean surface over a sloping beach. Continental Shelf Research. ISSN 0278-4343. 29(11-12), p. 1448–1453. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2009.03.010.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Ghaffari, Peygham (2009). Mass transport in the Stokes edge wave. Journal of Marine Research. ISSN 0022-2402. 67(2), p. 213–224. doi: 10.1357/002224009789051182.
  • Brostrøm, Gøran; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). A quasi-Eulerian, quasi-Lagrangian view of surface-wave- induced flow in the ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 38, p. 1122–1130.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). A note on mixing due to surface wave breaking. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans. ISSN 2169-9275. 113(C11009). doi: 10.1029/2008JC004758.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H.; Brostrom, G & Christensen, Kai Håkon (2008). Radiation stress and depth-dependent drift in surface waves with dissipation. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. ISSN 1053-5381. 18(1), p. 8–13.
  • Weber, Jan Erik & Løyning, Terje B. (2006). Thermobaric effect on slantwise convection in cold seawater. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. ISSN 0280-6495. 58(3), p. 385–391.
  • Weber, Jan Erik; Brostrøm, Gøran & Saetra, Øyvind (2006). Eulerian versus Lagrangian approaches to the wave-induced transport in the upper ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 36(11), p. 2106–2118.
  • Christensen, Kai Håkon & Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Drift of an inextensible sheet caused by surface waves. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. ISSN 1567-7419. 5, p. 495–505. doi: 10.1007/s10652-005-1052-8.
  • Christensen, Kai Håkon & Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Wave-induced drift of large floating sheets. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. ISSN 0309-1929. 99(6), p. 433–443. doi: 10.1080/03091920500357119.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Mean drift velocity in viscous flow over a corrugated bottom. Physics of Fluids. ISSN 1070-6631. 17, p. 113102-1–113102-8.
  • Høydalsvik, Frode & Weber, Jan Erik (2003). Mass transport velocity in free barotropic Poincare waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 33, p. 2000–2012.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2003). Heat, salt and mass transfer at a cold ice wall exposed to seawater near its freezing point. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. ISSN 0309-1929. 97(3), p. 213–224.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2003). Wave-induced mass transport in the oceanic surface layer. Journal of Physical Oceanography. ISSN 0022-3670. 33, p. 2527–2533.

View all works in Cristin

  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2019). Internal Gerstner- and Stokes-type gravity waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2018). Virtual wave stress and transient particle drift in spatially damped long interfacial waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2018). Cold ice in warm seawater - freezing or melting?
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2018). Lagrangian approach to wave-induced flow in a viscous rotating ocean.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Ghaffari, Peygham (2016). Mean currents induced by spatially damped internal Kelvin waves: Application to Van Mijenfjorden in Svalbard.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2016). Mechanical plate analogy to nonlinear wave-induced mass transport.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Christensen, Kai Håkon (2016). Mean particle drift in long gravity waves at the interface between immiscible viscous fluids.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2015). Baroclinic wave-induced mass transport in an Arctic sill fjord.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2015). Mean drift in baroclinic Rossby waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2014). Mechanical analogy to nonlinear wave-induced mass transport.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2014). Buoyancy effects in fluids – An educational journey.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2014). Stokes drift in internal waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H.; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Broström, Göran (2013). Stokes drift in internal equatorial Kelvin waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2013). Mixing induced by breaking waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2012). Offshore vindmølleparker og havmiljø.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2012). Trapped Gerstner waves over a steeply sloping shelf.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2012). The Stokes edge wave in a Gerstner formulation.
  • Drivdal, Magnus & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2012). Mean Lagrangian drift in contintnetal shelf waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2011). Minnetale over professor dr. philos. Hans Ragnar Kristian Økland. Årbok / Det norske videnskaps-akademi. ISSN 0332-6209.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2011). Bølger i havet.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Støylen, Eivind (2010). Mass transport in the Stokes interfacial edge wave.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Støylen, Eivind (2010). Nonlinear drift in the Stokes interfacial edge wave.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Ghaffari, Peygham (2010). Mass transport in the Stokes edge wave.
  • Støylen, Eivind & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2009). Mass transport induced by internal Kelvin waves beneath shorefast ice. Geophysical Research Abstracts. ISSN 1029-7006. 11.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Brostrøm, Gøran (2009). Density-driven convection between horizontal planes in a conditionally unstable fluid.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2009). Do we observe Gerstner waves in wave tank experiments?
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Støylen, Eivind (2009). Mass transport induced by internal Kelvin waves beneath shore fast ice.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). Mixing due to surface-wave breaking. Geophysical Research Abstracts. ISSN 1029-7006. 10.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. & Gjevik, Bjørn (2008). Havnivået langs Norskekysten. Forskning.no. ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Støylen, Eivind & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). Mean mass transport induced by internal Kelvin waves, with application to the circulation in the Van Mijen fjord in Svalbard.
  • Wåhlin, Anna Kristine; Ericsson, A.M.; Aas, Eyvind; Brostrøm, G.; Weber, Jan Erik H. & Grue, John (2008). Horizontal convection in water heated by infrared radiation and cooled by evaporation.
  • Brostrøm, Gøran; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). How to include surfaces waves in an ocean model.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). Mixing due to breaking surface waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). Fakta om havnivået i norske farvann.
  • Weber, Jan Erik H. (2008). Mixing at the top of the mixed layer - the effect of surface-wave breaking.
  • Christensen, Kai Håkon; Brostrøm, Gøran & Weber, Jan Erik H. (2007). A new model for the drift in progressive surface gravity waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik; Brostrøm, Gøran & Saetra, Øyvind (2006). A wave-driven surge model for the deep ocean. Geophysical Research Abstracts. ISSN 1029-7006. 8.
  • Weber, Jan Erik; Christensen, Kai Håkon & Brostrøm, Gøran (2006). Radiation stress and the drift in gravity waves with Rayleigh friction.
  • Christensen, Kai Håkon; Brostrøm, Gøran & Weber, Jan Erik (2006). A new model for the mean drift in surface gravity waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik; Brostrøm, Gøran & Christensen, Kai Håkon (2006). Radiation stress and the drift in gravity waves with weak friction.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2006). How shallow-water waves induce an anti-cyclonic mean drift around banks and islands in an inviscid rotating ocean.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2006). Turbulent plumes driven by horizontal buoyancy fluxes.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Wave-induced transport in the upper ocean.
  • Weber, Jan Erik & Løyning, Terje B. (2005). Thermobaric effect on slantwise convection in cold seawater.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Freezing of seawater at a cold wall.
  • Christensen, Kai Håkon & Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Drift of an inextensible sheet caused by surface waves.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Eulerian vs Lagrangian analyses of the wave-induced transport in the upper ocean.
  • Wåhlin, Anna Kristine; Ericsson, A. M.; Aas, Eyvind & Weber, Jan Erik (2005). Horizontal convection in water heated by infra-red radiation and cooled by evaporation.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2004). Destruktive havbølger eller tsunamier. In Reisegg, Øyvind (Eds.), Store Norske Årbok 2004. Gyldendalske bokhandel, Nordisk forlag A/S. ISSN 8257314692.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2004). A Lagrangian approach to wave-induced oceanic mass transport.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2004). Wave-mean flow interaction in a very viscous fluid.
  • Weber, Jan Erik (2003). Sea-Ice Interactions, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). UNESCO.

View all works in Cristin

Published Dec. 10, 2013 7:55 PM - Last modified May 5, 2023 4:26 PM


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