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Election of student representatives at the Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics wishes to evaluate both the form and the content of its courses continuously. The evaluation takes place during the semester. The lecturer and the students should find a suitable method of evaluation together. At the beginning of the semester approximately 1+n/60 (where n denotes the number of student taking the course) student representatives are elected to represent the students taking the course. The lecturer publishes the student representatives' e-mail addresses on the course's semester web page. Please notify the student administration by email ( when it is done. 

The lecturer and the student representatives are expected to cooperate in deciding how the course evaluation should be carried out. A few possible evaluation methods are monthly lunches and a questionnaire to be filled out by the students. The lecturer and the student representatives have a common responsibility to conduct the evaluation, and the lecturer is also responsible for the follow-up of the evaluation.

Sometimes a final evaluation is also carried out at the end of the semester, typically for courses given for the first time.

The student administration and the Student Council can assist in finding good ways to evaluate courses.

For lecturers: This Course evaluation (pdf) could be presented on the first lecture. 


Published Jan. 18, 2013 1:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2021 12:38 PM