Nettsider med emneord «Solar physics» - Side 2

Portrait photo of a young, smiling woman
Publisert 13. okt. 2023 10:00

Doctoral candidate Helle Merethe Bakke at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Impact of nanoflare heating in the lower solar atmosphere" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Publisert 23. apr. 2018 14:01

A new article by professor Mats Carlsson at RoCS, among others, was recently selected as a highlight in the scientific journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics".

portrait photo of a young smiling man
Publisert 4. juli 2022 10:28

"That light carries information over extreme distances and explains faraway events! That's what fascinates me about astronomy" – Elias Roland Udnæs.

Young female scientists
Publisert 24. okt. 2022 15:18

- I would like to tell you about my Ph.D. journey, from its start to its successful end. 

Publisert 8. sep. 2022 13:17
portrettbildet av en smilende, ung mann
Publisert 31. jan. 2023 10:48

Quentin Noraz, Postdoctoral Fellow at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo.

portrettbildet av en smilende, ung man
Publisert 26. apr. 2023 14:32

Øystein Håvard Færder, Ph.D. student at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo.

carton of a big radio antenna on a hill in the Atacama desert
Publisert 19. mars 2021 18:30

Towards the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) project is the design study for a new astronomical sub-millimeter observatory that will open a new space for discovery in the field of Astrophysics, and, on the other hand, will enable scientists to pioneer a new era of "green" astronomical facilities.

Publisert 16. jan. 2020 11:29
orange banner with illustration of a human brain
Publisert 16. sep. 2020 13:38

Researchers of the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics and Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics take part to this year's National Science week with videos and lectures!

Grafe med solvind analyse
Publisert 4. sep. 2020 14:30

This summer, the space probe Solar Orbiter took the closest pictures ever taken of the sun. The images will help researchers understand the sun better. Professor Mats Carlsson at RoCS - Rosseland Center for Solar Physics, UiO, leads the Norwegian research group's work with Solar Orbiter.

Publisert 17. juni 2020 14:00

The aim of the Norwegian laboratory for silicon-based solar cell technology  (Solarlab), is to coordinate and unify cutting-edge infrastructure into an "openlab facility" in Norway, combining facilities at UiO, SINTEF, IFE and NTNU.

We conduct "frontier research" for the entire PV-chain with the main focus on silicon production, crystallisation and wafering. By coordinating and unifying the infrastructure, Norwegian research groups and companies will more easily work together in a high-tech environment, gaining the in-depth knowledge base necessary to assume and maintain leading positions in the development of future PV technologies.

A group of young students doing artwork
Publisert 12. mars 2024 15:16

REAL art artist Laila Kongevold, geologist Henrik H. Svensen, and RoCS PhD candidate Mats Ola Sand invited students and researchers to a printmaking workshop.

Publisert 28. mars 2019 10:35

The gigantic telescope set to extract a range of the sun's secrets picking up radio waves. Stay tuned!

group photo of people standing in a room in from of a screen
Publisert 19. apr. 2024 15:41

With the objective of forging connections and advancing our comprehension of the cosmos, the inaugural meeting of NoRMAS24 took place at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics last week.

Image may contain: Orange, Pattern.
Publisert 19. nov. 2019 10:24

With the advent of the 4-m European Solar Telescope, the surface of the Sun will be observed with unprecedented detail. Such measurements will help us understand the twisting motions responsible for the generation of vortex flows and waves that propagate higher up in the solar atmosphere.

portrettbildet av en smilende ung man med solbriller
Publisert 2. sep. 2021 13:35

Dr. Avijeet Prasad, Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (RoCS), UiO.

Publisert 28. okt. 2022 14:38
Mann med mørkt hår, skjegg og briller.
Publisert 17. sep. 2020 12:48

En måned før den nasjonale nedstengningen i mars, begynte  Atul Mohan som postdoktor ved EMISSA prosjektet ved RoCS, UiO.

Banner til forskningsdagene 2019. Bildet inneholder: hånd, vann, jord.
Publisert 18. sep. 2019 15:13

Det nasjonale arrangementet om forskning er i gang! Tema i år er "Miljø". Møt våre entusiastiske forskere fra Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk og Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics på Forskningstorget 20. - 21. september.


Four scientists
Publisert 14. apr. 2023 12:52

Four publications from RoCS have recently been accepted for publication. Rebecca Robinson, Luc Rouppe van der Voort, Carlos José Díaz Baso and Sneha Pandit presents their latest findings.

Publisert 17. juni 2020 14:00

The aim of the Norwegian laboratory for silicon-based solar cell technology  (Solarlab), is to coordinate and unify cutting-edge infrastructure into an "openlab facility" in Norway, combining facilities at UiO, SINTEF, IFE and NTNU.

We conduct "frontier research" for the entire PV-chain with the main focus on silicon production, crystallisation and wafering. By coordinating and unifying the infrastructure, Norwegian research groups and companies will more easily work together in a high-tech environment, gaining the in-depth knowledge base necessary to assume and maintain leading positions in the development of future PV technologies.

Publisert 18. juni 2018 14:50

“Norway itself is welcoming - since my arrival the weather was ideal.“

Image may contain: Sunglasses, Eyewear, Head, Glasses, Nose.
Publisert 13. jan. 2020 09:59

The Rosseland Centre for Solar physics continues growing and attracting young, talented researchers. Get to know four new PhD students at the beginning of their scientific ventures.

image of a solar explosion
Publisert 17. apr. 2023 11:45

Each spring, near the date of Svein Rosseland's birthday, the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics invites everyone to a guest lecture by an internationally renowned astrophysicist as a remembrance for our great astrophysicist Svein Rosseland (1894-1985), founder of our institute.