Nettsider med emneord «deep learning» - Side 2

Publisert 22. sep. 2021 13:21
Publisert 17. sep. 2021 21:59
Bildet kan inneholde: font, elektrisk blå, merke, logo.
Publisert 3. aug. 2021 09:30

Squarehead Technology is a world leader in precision acoustic detection. Their technology utilizes an array of microphones and beamforming to provide spatial filtering and awareness.  Loosely speaking, we can provide a superhearing ability by pinpointing the direction of a given sound source, and classify the type of sound we’re listening to.

Publisert 15. mars 2021 14:19

Computing and software are crucial parts of the LHC physics experiments. The NorduGrid Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware increases in popularity due its simplistic design and ease of deployment. This makes it the preferred choice of middleware for new and many existing sites particularly in Europe and Asia. ARC and its Control Tower allow seamless access to heterogeneous resources: Grid, High Performance Computers and Clouds. Moreover, ATLAS@home, based on BOINC and ARC, allow to access opportunistic resources made of personal computers.

The requirements imposed on software during the coming LHC runs will be as stringent as those on the computing resources. The data throughput that will have to be achieved exceeds anything that our community has managed to date. Such performance can only be attained by combining a number of techniques - multi-threading and parallel processing of events - as well as novel algorithms and optimization of existing software.

The importance of multi-variate analysis or "Machine Learning” in High Energy Physics continues to increase, for applications as diverse as reconstruction, physics analysis, data quality monitoring and distributed computing.


Publisert 2. nov. 2020 08:38
Publisert 2. nov. 2020 08:38
Publisert 19. okt. 2020 09:58
Publisert 6. okt. 2020 12:27
Publisert 6. okt. 2020 12:26
Publisert 2. okt. 2020 11:23
Publisert 2. okt. 2020 11:22
Publisert 3. mars 2020 13:52
NLPL Winter School 2020
Publisert 5. feb. 2020 11:46

The Nordic Language Processing Laboratory (NLPL) welcomes fifty researchers from Northern Europe (and beyond) for its third Winter School in the Norwegian mountains.

Image may contain: Text, Font, Line.
Publisert 3. okt. 2019 21:41

Two new papers from SANT were presented at the NoDaLiDa conference.

Publisert 5. feb. 2019 13:12
Publisert 4. sep. 2017 09:08
Publisert 12. juni 2017 23:12

The SANT project develops resources for Sentiment Analysis for Norwegian Text. While coordinated by the Language Technology Group (LTG) at IFI/UiO, collaborating partners include NRK, Schibsted and Aller Media.

Publisert 22. mars 2017 14:15
Publisert 2. feb. 2017 10:58

Cardiac related disease is the number one cause of death in the Western world, including Norway. Echocardiography is the most important imaging tool for the cardiologist to assess cardiac function. An echo examination of the heart is real time, cost effective and can be performed without discomfort to the patient and without harmful radiation. These are great advantages compared to other medical imaging modalities.

Publisert 9. des. 2016 10:00
Publisert 12. okt. 2016 09:51
Publisert 28. jan. 2013 11:38