Nettsider med emneord «Ecology» - Side 3

Publisert 9. sep. 2012 12:20
Publisert 31. aug. 2020 15:07
Publisert 16. nov. 2016 10:03
Publisert 18. juni 2018 11:18

There are, unfortunately, no master projects available at this stage!

The project “Effects of Neonicotinoids and Temperature on Crop Pollination (NEOPOLL)” is a ~4 year Researcher project awarded Anders Nielsen (PI) over the Miljøforsk program at the Norwegian Research Council. The project started in April 2017. There are several master students involved in the project, investigating different aspects of how neonicotinoids affect bumblebee behaviour and colony development, but also more ecotoxicological approaches related to pesticide accumulation in nectar, pollen and bumblebees.

Publisert 2. mars 2018 12:52

The Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) combines a broad spectrum of disciplines (such as population biology, statistical and mathematical modelling, and genomics) to foster the concept of ecology as a driving force of evolution via selective processes, with a corresponding influence of evolutionary changes on ecology.

Image may contain: Forehead, Glasses, Vision care, Smile, Sleeve.
Publisert 7. okt. 2022 13:55

CBA annual lecture will be given on October 13, 2022 by Professor Lars Bakken from Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:35
Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:35
Publisert 5. nov. 2015 21:14
Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:25
Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:34
Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:27
Publisert 27. apr. 2023 14:28
Publisert 22. mars 2012 13:39
Publisert 12. des. 2018 09:46
Publisert 13. des. 2017 10:49
Publisert 28. sep. 2015 13:16
Publisert 1. juni 2011 10:39
Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:26
Publisert 3. nov. 2010 15:33
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 14:06