Nettsider med emneord «ATLAS»

Publisert 15. mars 2021 14:20

Når LHC på CERN blir oppgradert til høyere intensitet må mange av detektorene i ATLAS byttes innen 2027. I Norge deltar vi i utviklingen av pixel detektorer og vi får stadig nye sensorer som skal bygges til moduler og testes.

Publisert 15. mars 2021 14:22

Gravity as we know it is negligible at the subatomic level. The addition of n space dimensions affects the behavior of the gravitational force, changing from 1/r2 to 1/r(2+n) , thus enhancing its strength at very short distances r. A way to search for signatures of gravity at the LHC, and thus reveal the existence of microscopic space dimensions, is to look for graviton excitations and/or 
microscopic black holes. Both would decay into SM particles, measurable in particle detectors such as ATLAS.

Publisert 11. mars 2021 11:07

Although the current measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson discovered at CERN in 2012 are consistent with the Standard Model (SM), the uncertainties are still large enough to be consistent with many physically motivated models that would give small deviations from the SM predictions. In addition, the SM predicts, with a very small rate, the production of pairs of Higgs bosons. The group in Oslo has experience with the decay channels of the Higgs boson to two photons and two charged weak bosons (W+W-). 

Bildet kan inneholde: industri.
Publisert 26. aug. 2019 14:42

The main objective is to enable the study of fundamental particles and interactions and the characterizaton of high-temperature strongly interacting matter at the extreme energies and collision rates of the upgraded Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN in the years 2017-2037.

Publisert 15. mars 2021 14:26

Do new fundamental forces show up at the LHC the way the Z and Higgs bosons did? According to superstring theories, which propose to unify all fundamental forces, including gravity, there is room for new forces to be mediated by new gauge bosons, known as Z’ and W’. The W’ boson is also predicted by theories aiming at restoring parity (left-right) symmetry at high energies. This work consists of: (i) a detailed study and implementation into MC generators of various theories beyond the SM, (ii) an analysis of ATLAS data, taken at the highest available energies, and a comparison to simulation data. You will make use of one of the following processes:

Publisert 15. mars 2021 14:25

Symmetries play a crucial role in physics. Supersymmetry (SUSY) relates integer spin particles (bosons) and half-integer spin particles (fermions). It allows unification of the electroweak and strong interactions, proposes dark matter candidates, and predicts five Higgs bosons (3 neutral and 2 charged ones). Processes of interest involve superpartners of the leptons (superpartners have a "~" above the particle), of the gauge and Higgs boson(s), as well as a dark matter particle, which is predicted to be the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP).

Publisert 15. mars 2021 14:22

Are you interested in sharing ATLAS data, research excitement and possibly discoveries with other students, and explaining to them modern physics concepts? Join the Path for education, research and discovery! The ambition to bring to the “classrooms” important LHC discoveries is already realized using the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. Approximately 10% of the ATLAS discovery data were made available for students to search themselves for the Higgs boson. Promises of new discoveries in the 13 TeV LHC era and opportunities offered by the CERN open data portal have triggered new educational materials.

Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:37
Publisert 21. feb. 2020 14:32

We study the universe at the smallest distance scales (corresponding to the highest energy scales). After the Higgs boson was discovered at CERN in 2012, one of the hottest goals of our research is to reveal the nature of dark matter.

Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:12
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:32
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:34
Publisert 19. des. 2012 09:58
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:12
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:16
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 12:29
Publisert 22. apr. 2022 15:29
Publisert 26. aug. 2016 15:37
Publisert 19. sep. 2016 10:26
Publisert 29. aug. 2011 15:17