Nettsider med emneord «The Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award»

Grafisk element: The Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award: Profile: Fabio Crameri Design
Publisert 3. sep. 2018 13:38

Senter for Planetær Beboelighet/PHAB deler ut prisen Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award for Women in Geosciences. Prisen går til kvinner som gjennom ph.d. eller postdoktor arbeid har gitt et betydelig bidrag innen geofaglig forskning.

Grafisk element: Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award for Women in Geosciences - The Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award: Profile: Fabio Crameri Design
Publisert 22. nov. 2019 16:24

The Centre for Planetary Habitability/PHAB will award the Else-Ragnhild Neumann Award for Women in Geosciences. The award goes to women who through PhD or postdoctoral work has made a significant contribution to research in Geosciences.