Nettsider med emneord «UiO»

Publisert 1. mars 2018 12:19

Successful data science requires a mixture of statistics, computer science and domain knowledge. In DataScience@UiO, we bridge the first of these gaps by bringing statisticians and computer scientists from the Factulty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences together, and the other by bringing in industry-heavy research centers such as BigInsight and SIRIUS. In this blog-post, I want to say something about why I believe SIRIUS has a very important role to play in the current and future data science engagement at the University of Oslo.

Foto av Magnus med havet og snøkledde fjelltopper i bakgrunnen.
Publisert 23. apr. 2024 10:02

Magnus studerte geofag for å finne løsninger på miljø- og klimaproblemene. Nå er han med på å begrense forurensing fra oppdrettsanlegg.

Publisert 19. nov. 2018 12:08

For the first time UiO:Lifescience granted undergraduate students with a salary to perform a research project during their summer vacation 2018. CINPLA were lucky to grab 4 talented students in various projects from gene-editing by crisper to behavioral analysis. 

Publisert 7. feb. 2022 15:11
Publisert 13. nov. 2015 10:31