Nettsider med emneord «bærekraft»

Bildet kan inneholde: laptop, font, utgangsenhet, parallell, sirkel.
Publisert 10. feb. 2011 16:41

Farmakokinetikk (PK)-gruppens forskningsvisjon er ”rett legemiddel i riktig dose til den enkelte pasient”, og vi driver med både basal og klinisk forskning.

Nytt emne fra høsten 2022: I det nye emnet kan du lære mer om jordas utvikling , klimasystemet, bærekraft og om menneskelig påvirkning på klima og mulige tiltak. Det trengs ikke realfaglig bakgrunn for å søke emnet. Illustrasjonsbilde:
Publisert 29. juni 2022 12:35

Er du interessert i å lære mer om klima, klimaendringer og hvordan mennesker må forholde seg til dette? Et nytt emne 'GEO1000 – Klima og bærekraft: Naturlige prosesser og menneskets påvirkning' starter opp ved Institutt for geofag nå i høst.

Publisert 27. sep. 2013 16:58
Publisert 4. nov. 2010 14:53
GIF with flying cars
Publisert 25. sep. 2023 11:15

How will we transport ourselves in the future? What is sustainable transportation? How do youth envision how they will travel and move around in 20 or 100 years?

Life Sceince Building
Publisert 18. sep. 2023 14:46

The upcoming Life Science hub, which will be located next to IFI as shown in Figure 1, will be Norway’s largest research building. The primarily focus inside will be on conducting research on living organisms and life processes while aiming to be innovative and mindful of the impact humans have on the world.  

Life Sceince Building
Publisert 18. sep. 2023 14:46

This thesis addresses how to create awareness of sustainability issues in a larger arena. We will focus on the new Life Science building. The building will be the new IFI neighbor (see Figure 1). The main activities inside the building are to research living organisms and life processes, and at the same time be innovative and take into consideration the impacts humans are doing in this world. Nowadays, not an easy task.

laptop in a forest
Publisert 1. okt. 2023 19:57

Can we identify the values that have guided the design of digital products? In this master’s thesis project, you will investigate what values are embedded in digital products and how to make these values visible and tangible.

Publisert 18. sep. 2023 13:41

The University of Oslo hosts 1.000.000 web pages. One million web pages with images, videos, links to lecture slides, pdfs, etc. How much energy is needed to keep these pages and their content accessible? What are the CO2 emissions of hosting 1,000,000 web pages per year?

Multi function plastic machine from "Precious Plastic Canaries"
Publisert 3. sep. 2023 12:42

The Regenerative Technologies research group is working on several research projects focusing on sustainability. We have also master thesis projects available (see here). We are in addition open to master students who have their own idea for a master thesis topic in the field of regenerative design. Talk to us and we will see if we can develop it together into a master thesis proposal.

Publisert 18. sep. 2023 13:44

The University of Oslo hosts ChatGPT on its own servers. This will guarantee that our privacy rights are secured. But how about securing the university's commitment to its sustainability strategy? Can we balance values such as privacy and climate goals?

Multi function plastic machine from "Precious Plastic Canaries"
Publisert 10. sep. 2022 10:31

The Sustainability Lab at IFI owns a so-called Precious Plastic machine, which includes a shredder, an injector, and an extruder. The machine is used to recycle plastic materials, such as left-overs from IFI’s 3D-printers, and to form them into new plastic artefacts. The machine can be seen in the Sustainability Lab and during the upcoming Forskningsdagene September 23-24, 2023 at Climate House in the Botanical Gardens.

Map of powerplants around Mo i Rana
Publisert 3. sep. 2022 16:33

The combination of green growth and digitalisation is presented as the transition needed toward a more sustainable future (EU Science Hub, 2022). 

Visualisation of energy data
Publisert 2. sep. 2021 17:45

Can we make people more aware of energy consumption? In other countries, people are aware of their energy use because energy is expensive or only accessible a few hours per day. How to do this in Norway where relatively cheap energy is available 24/7? In this master project, a team of students will work towards an installation in which energy consumption is visualised – and maybe even heard or felt – in a creative and informative manner.

Publisert 1. des. 2022 10:12

The Regenerative Technologies research group is working on several research projects on sustainability. We have two master thesis projects available (see here).  This master thesis focuses on how to design a low-energy website.  

Stundenter og ansatte ved Kjemisk institutt på lab.
Publisert 25. apr. 2023 15:38

Etter storsatsing på skolebesøk og synlighet av bachelorprogrammene, opplever Kjemisk institutt en kraftig økning i antall studenter. Nå får programmene «Fornybar energi og nanoteknologi» og «Kjemi og biokjemi» en kraftig boost i søkere fra hele landet. 

Publisert 13. nov. 2010 13:11
Ikoner for de 17 bærekraftsmålene
Publisert 3. juli 2019 13:14

Vi gir deg vitenskapsformidling på sitt beste når UiO og Akademiet for yngre forskere (AYF) samler et lag av forskere til bærekraftsstafett.

Bildet kan inneholde: font, symbol, logo, sirkel, grafikk.
Publisert 15. aug. 2022 08:56

Gjennom utdanning former universitetene Norges fremtid. Realfag er nøkkelen til bærekraftig kunnskap, teknologi og nye arbeidsplasser. Hvordan oppfyller akademia samfunnets forventninger og behov for grønn utvikling? Vi diskuterer mulighetsrommet under seminaret.

Publisert 18. des. 2023 16:02

"Kan kalsium erstatte litium i et batteri?" Dette er spørsmålet som forskerne prøver å svare på i CalSiumbat. Over hele verden leter forskere etter et levedyktig alternativ for litium ion-batterier.

Publisert 17. nov. 2023 13:37

I framtiden er effektive energilagringsløsninger av stor samfunnsmessige betydningen ved overgang til det grønne skiftet. Oppladbare batterier har blitt en meget viktig brikke i den grønne omstillingen vi står midt i, noe som gjenspeiles i den raskt voksende batteriindustrien i Norge.