Nettsider med emneord «plastic»

Ecotoxicology, plastic in the ocean and poisons.
Publisert 9. feb. 2017 16:17
Copepod for studying life under multiple stressors,
Publisert 9. feb. 2017 16:01

In this project we seek to understand the effect of multiple stressors on life history traits. We use copepods as model organisms.

Multi function plastic machine from "Precious Plastic Canaries"
Publisert 10. sep. 2022 10:31

The Sustainability Lab at IFI owns a so-called Precious Plastic machine, which includes a shredder, an injector, and an extruder. The machine is used to recycle plastic materials, such as left-overs from IFI’s 3D-printers, and to form them into new plastic artefacts. The machine can be seen in the Sustainability Lab and during the upcoming Forskningsdagene September 23-24, 2023 at Climate House in the Botanical Gardens.