Nettsider med emneord «AMI»

Publisert 1. feb. 2017 09:12

We have seen a variety of cities providing free wifi for their inhabitants. However, when providing the full Internet without authentication, you run the risk of criminal activities to happen using that free Wifi. When you run authentication, it makes access cumbersome. Thus, the idea is to provide free low-capacity Internet without authentication, which would allow you to only consume information (no file download, no gaming, no streaming/video). With the knowledge of risk assessment, the candidate should be able to evaluate the security of such an open access.

Publisert 1. feb. 2017 09:12

Within January 2019 all electricity customers in Norway will have to use smart meters. These smart meters will become part of the ”Avanserte Måle- og Styringssystemer” (Automatic Meter Systems - AMS), and include that users can have a better information on their electricity usage, a more accurate billing of their consumption and the opportunity for automatic controlling of the power consumption. Pilots have already been running at several places in Norway. Academia, Grid distributors, Industry, and Consumer Organisations have joined through the initiative to discuss security and privacy related to the services and infrastructures in an AMS.