Nettsider med emneord «Lofoten»

maps of the distributions for the three fish speices and the plankton prey
Publisert 6. mai 2024 13:51

The Norwegian coast is a spawning hot spot for several highly valuable fishes. After hatching, the young fish drift, largely together, toward the Barents Sea. During this drifting period, they need to feed and are experiencing predation. In a paper published in Marine Ecology Progress Series (Ferreira et al. 2024) we explore the benefits and disadvantages of drifting together with other larvae.

Publisert 13. mars 2015 00:01

Since Hjort’s ground-breaking work, it is admitted that the survival from the egg to the first reproduction is an essential factor affecting the dynamics of fish populations (see post). Human activities around spawning ground may have an effect on the mortality of the younger age. One of such potentially risky activity is oil exploitation which is on the increase in the northern areas.