Nettsider med emneord «sustainability»

laptop in a forest
Publisert 1. okt. 2023 19:57

Can we identify the values that have guided the design of digital products? In this master’s thesis project, you will investigate what values are embedded in digital products and how to make these values visible and tangible.

GIF with flying cars
Publisert 25. sep. 2023 11:15

How will we transport ourselves in the future? What is sustainable transportation? How do youth envision how they will travel and move around in 20 or 100 years?

Life Sceince Building
Publisert 18. sep. 2023 14:46

This thesis addresses how to create awareness of sustainability issues in a larger arena. We will focus on the new Life Science building. The building will be the new IFI neighbor (see Figure 1). The main activities inside the building are to research living organisms and life processes, and at the same time be innovative and take into consideration the impacts humans are doing in this world. Nowadays, not an easy task.

Life Sceince Building
Publisert 18. sep. 2023 14:46

The upcoming Life Science hub, which will be located next to IFI as shown in Figure 1, will be Norway’s largest research building. The primarily focus inside will be on conducting research on living organisms and life processes while aiming to be innovative and mindful of the impact humans have on the world.  

Publisert 18. sep. 2023 13:44

The University of Oslo hosts ChatGPT on its own servers. This will guarantee that our privacy rights are secured. But how about securing the university's commitment to its sustainability strategy? Can we balance values such as privacy and climate goals?

Publisert 18. sep. 2023 13:41

The University of Oslo hosts 1.000.000 web pages. One million web pages with images, videos, links to lecture slides, pdfs, etc. How much energy is needed to keep these pages and their content accessible? What are the CO2 emissions of hosting 1,000,000 web pages per year?

Multi function plastic machine from "Precious Plastic Canaries"
Publisert 3. sep. 2023 12:42

The Regenerative Technologies research group is working on several research projects focusing on sustainability. We have also master thesis projects available (see here). We are in addition open to master students who have their own idea for a master thesis topic in the field of regenerative design. Talk to us and we will see if we can develop it together into a master thesis proposal.

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Rectangle, Brand.
Publisert 14. juni 2023 13:30
Image may contain: Font, Circle, Rectangle, Brand.
Publisert 14. juni 2023 13:30
Image may contain: Colorfulness, Circle, Font, Logo, Brand.
Publisert 26. apr. 2023 10:44

EMPOWER: Sustainable Batteries in Mobility - (Em)powering a Net-zero Energy Transition is taking interdisciplinary research and education perspectives to investigate the role of electric vehicle (EV) batteries in enabling a sustainable net-zero energy transition in Norway


Image may contain: Colorfulness, Circle, Font, Logo, Brand.
Publisert 26. apr. 2023 10:44

EMPOWER: Sustainable Batteries in Mobility - (Em)powering a Net-zero Energy Transition is taking interdisciplinary research and education perspectives to investigate the role of electric vehicle (EV) batteries in enabling a sustainable net-zero energy transition in Norway


Publisert 1. des. 2022 10:12

The Regenerative Technologies research group is working on several research projects on sustainability. We have two master thesis projects available (see here).  This master thesis focuses on how to design a low-energy website.  

Publisert 5. okt. 2022 14:42

This project aims to probe the decisions already taken in developing the most efficient, cheapest, quickest items and instead asks what if we as designers used other criteria to make those decisions. What if designers really explored the technologies and processes involved in manufacture of goods as a design material. What then? Maybe some of these alternatives might also be less polluting, produced more locally of more locally appropriate materials and still be appropriate to their tasks. Could this lead to more mindful manufacture and more considered consumption?

Multi function plastic machine from "Precious Plastic Canaries"
Publisert 10. sep. 2022 10:31

The Sustainability Lab at IFI owns a so-called Precious Plastic machine, which includes a shredder, an injector, and an extruder. The machine is used to recycle plastic materials, such as left-overs from IFI’s 3D-printers, and to form them into new plastic artefacts. The machine can be seen in the Sustainability Lab and during the upcoming Forskningsdagene September 23-24, 2023 at Climate House in the Botanical Gardens.

Map of powerplants around Mo i Rana
Publisert 3. sep. 2022 16:33

The combination of green growth and digitalisation is presented as the transition needed toward a more sustainable future (EU Science Hub, 2022). 

Visualisation of energy data
Publisert 2. sep. 2021 17:45

Can we make people more aware of energy consumption? In other countries, people are aware of their energy use because energy is expensive or only accessible a few hours per day. How to do this in Norway where relatively cheap energy is available 24/7? In this master project, a team of students will work towards an installation in which energy consumption is visualised – and maybe even heard or felt – in a creative and informative manner.

TSF logo
Publisert 11. nov. 2020 15:06

The Technology and Sustainable Futures (TSF) research group aims to contribute to the transition to a just and sustainable future through active exploration of technology’s role in transition pathways. We ask: What are technologies that repair, restore, and regenerate beings, communities, and environments? Can we imagine a future in which all species, human and non-human, thrive together? How can the systematic approach to futures studies help develop and deploy technologies in ways that promote sustainable development? We focus on digital artefacts and digitalisation processes, and the practices that they shape.

Publisert 23. mai 2018 10:19

Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) from United Nations refers to the inclusion and quality of education. This implies providing equal access to all levels of education. The main focus has been on inclusion and accessibility through universal design with a focus on disabilities. We wish to explore the role of inclusion in human-computer interaction (HCI) of digital learning environments with equal access and rights to participate in design and use with a broad focus on disabilities, i.e., inclusion throughout the design process, for learners of all ages, in situations of learning and knowledge development. Digital learning environments are tools employed in educational institutions (from schools to higher education) for teaching and learning purposes, but also in workplaces, edutainment, and e-commerce to support non-routine tasks and complex problem solving. More specifically we ask for positions papers representing different viewpoints on inclusion in education through issues, methods and stories obtained from design experiences and/or from empirical studies in use of digital learning environments, hoping to recruit a diverse group of participants, presenting and discussing examples of failures and/or successes of inclusion in education with technology.

Publisert 27. sep. 2013 16:57
Publisert 28. mai 2013 11:15
Publisert 4. sep. 2012 12:46
Publisert 4. sep. 2012 12:44
Publisert 25. okt. 2011 23:03
Publisert 30. nov. 2010 23:20