Norwegian version of this page

The institute's education committee and programme board

The institute’s education committee and programme board is responsible for all education-related activities at the institute.

The programme board for the master's programme in astronomy is responsible for, among other things, the Masters programmes’ academic content, admission requirements, study quality, recruitment and reception of new students. The institute’s education committee and programme board have coordinated meetings approx. two times a year and consists of the same members.

Education committee & members of the programme board (September 2022)

  • Øystein Elgarøy (Head of the programme board, since March 2017) 
  • Frode Kristian Hansen (Head of Education) 
  • Christophe Kristian Blomsen (Student representative, elected September 2023)
  • Olav Kristiansen Arnesen (Deputy student representative, elected September 2023)
  • Morsal Saba (Programme coordinator/ Secretary) 

External program advisor: Darach Watson at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen (from April 2016). Description of the functions of an external program advisor (In Norwegian). 

Overview of meetings and minutes from the programme board for the Master's programme in astronomy (In Norwegian)

Published Dec. 7, 2020 3:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2023 1:52 PM