Guest lectures and seminars - Page 26

Time and place: , Online

Boris Gudiksen, Professor at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, ITA.

Time and place: , Online
Time and place: , Online

Welcome to the BeyondPlanck Release Conference.


Cosmic Acceleration from a Two-Component Dark Matter Superfluid

Time and place: , Online

Tomi Koivisto, University of Tartu.

Time and place: , Online

Nancy Narang, Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (UiO). 

Time and place: , Online / RoCS basement 

We invite you to a lunch meeting where we will focus on new RoCS publications, possible future data collaborations and input to ITA's strategy 2020-2030. You are welcome to join us in person or by Zoom.

Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral candidate Mattia Mina at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is  defending the thesis "Cosmology at small scales: ultra-light dark matter and baryon cycles in galaxies" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Online

Santiago Casas, CEA Paris-Saclay

Time and place: , Cinemateket, Dronningens gate 16

Hva skjer med jorda om solen slukner? I filmen «Sunshine» sendes et team av astronauter ut i verdensrommet med en atombombe for å få fart på vår nærmeste stjerne. Astrofysiker Maria Hammerstrøm kommer til å ta for seg solas betydning for jorden, og hva som skal til for å sende et romskip til vår nærmeste stjerne.