Guest lectures and seminars - Page 34

Kirsten M. Poulsen, Director and founder of KMP+ House of Mentoring, and external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School.

Time and place: , Sognsveien 77B Milky Way auditorium

Spherical collapse in ΛCDM, Chameleon and Symmetron models

Itziar Aretxaga, National Institute for Astrophysics Optics and Electronics (INAOE)

Time and place: , Cinemateket, Dronningens gate 16

James Cameron fikk idéen til The Abyss etter at han hørte om en dypvannsdykker som eksperimenterte med å puste oksygenholdig væske i stedet for luft. 


On Thursday, April 4, 2019, we will have the Norwegian ALMA Day 2019 at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo.

Time and place: , Science Library, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Each spring, near the date of Svein Rosseland's birthday, the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics invites everyone to a guest lecture by an internationally renowned astrophysicist as a remembrance for our great astrophysicist Svein Rosseland (1894-1985), founder of our institute.

Time and place: , Origo, The Physics Building

By Professor Eirik Grude Flekkøy, PoreLab, UiO