Cosmology Seminar: Marta Silva - "The relationship between Galaxies and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe"

Marta Silva is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the ITA

Galaxies preferentially form in overdense regions; therefore, they are biased tracers of the large-scale structure of the Universe.
Cosmology models are often tested by using galaxies as tracers of the matter distribution in search of deviations from what is predicted by the standard model of cosmology. However, the biases of different galaxy populations with the density field evolve with redshift and are only known up to a certain degree. This uncertainty is a fundamental limiting factor for the potential of observational cosmology today.
We know little about the properties of the first galaxies except that they were very different from local light sources. Galaxies properties and their redshift evolution is strongly influenced by environment, and so it is closely connected with the growth rate of structures of the Universe. I will discuss how LIM observations will be used to put together the fields of galaxy evolution and large scale structure.

Published Feb. 17, 2020 2:42 PM - Last modified May 19, 2022 11:08 AM