Cosmology seminar: Eirik Gjerløw: Gravitational waves as seen by an amateur

Eirik Gjerløw is a phd student working with Hans Kristian.

In this talk, I will present what I have learned from spending the last
couple of days reading as much as I can about gravitational waves. I
will try to cover several areas, including, but not limited to, the
conceptual framework of gravitational waves (the geometric approach, not
the field-theoretical approach), the generation of gravitational waves,
gravitational wave detectors, and sources of gravitational waves. It
will require a basic knowledge of general relativity. Me being an
amateur on this subject, there will be several gaping holes, things will
be hurriedly passed by and hands will be waved a lot, so if you are
already an expert on gravitational waves, you will probably learn very
little from this talk, but you are welcome to show up and throw in
sarcastic comments about the speaker's ineptitude. For all others, I
hope that this can be bit of a two-way learning seminar, where you can
come with interesting things that you know about gravitational waves, or
ask questions which I probably will not know the answer to, but which
someone else might. Also, I will bring the book, so we can look it up.

Published Aug. 22, 2012 10:14 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2012 11:34 AM