Cosmology Seminar: Tomi Koivisto

Tomi Koivisto is a professor at NORDITA in Stockholm, Sweden

Cosmology with vector distortion

Cosmology is discussed in the presence of an additional vector field.    
Several types of cosmological models are presented, in which the vector field
dynamics could provide dark matter, dark energy, inflation or non-singular
bounce, respectively. The framework is that of a simple generalised Weyl
geometry, parameterised by a linear vector distortion of the connection. This
corresponds to a specific class of the "vector Horndeski" actions which
propagate 3 healthy polarisations despite their non-minimal interactions.


Bridget Falck and Benjamin Racine
Published Oct. 16, 2016 4:05 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2016 4:05 PM