Mail & mailinglists

The basics

You can log on to to view a list of your valid email addresses, configure server-based spam settings, set away message and set up forwarding of mail. The webmail client can be accessed from any machine with a browser and internet connection. Otherwise you can use whatever email client you like (as long as it is installed on your computer). Popular email clients include Thunderbird, Pine/Alpine and Apple Mail.

Under no circumstances should you give up your password to external services. If you for example want to read your university e-mail from the gmail website, you should use forwarding and not give gmail your password directly.

Configuration of email client

IMAP is the recommended protocol for incoming e-mail. TLS is recommended encryption. User name is your regular UiO user name.

Service Host Port no. Comment
SMTP 587 (TLS) / 465 (SSL) Send e-mail
IMAP 143 (TLS) / 993 (SSL) Read e-mail

In Thunderbird:

Mailing lists

See here for a list of mailing lists in use at the institute.

Server side filtering

It is possible to set up e-mail filters through the webmail service. These filters will be in effect on the mail server, thus causing the e-mail to be filtered to the given folder regardless of what e-mail client you use and how many computers you have set up your e-mail account on. After logging in, go to Settings and then Filters. Click on the plus sign in the Filters column.

Example of how to set up e-mail filter.

A very nice feature is to filter on List-id. The list-id for all university mailing lists are the address of the mailing list only with a dot (.) instead of the @ sign, i.e. the list-id of is The example above shows how to set up so that all e-mail with the list-id get automatically filtered to the folder data-hjelp. The folder you want to filter to needs to be created beforehand in your e-mail client (i.e. webmail, Thunderbird, Apple Mail etc).

And as always, ask us if you need help.

Published Aug. 30, 2011 3:57 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2018 3:29 PM