[Done] Downtime 16/4 - 17/4

We need some downtime in the server rooms Friday April 16. to Saturday April 17. to do maintenance.


17.04.21, 20:40 We are done. Problems with beehive37, karla, sirrah, alker and svati that we will sort on Monday.

17.04.21, 08:30 Node and workstation upgrades in progress

16.04.21, 17:50 StorNext server upgrade complete. We will continue with upgrades on nodes and workstations tomorrow.

16.04.21, 15:45 StorNext system upgrade is progressing according to plan

16.04.21, 08:30 StorNext system upgrade in progress

16.04.21, 07:20 Shutdown complete

16.04.21, 06:05 Starting shutdown


During the downtime we will:

  • Upgrade StorNext to v. 6.4.1
  • Upgrade Red Hat version to 7.9 on all linux machines
  • Connect eagle4-6 and owl31-35 to the 200 Gb Infiniband network
  • Increase metadata capacity in the storage system (postponed due to long HW delivery times). New downtime for this operation will be announced later.

We will start shutdown at 06.00 on Friday April 16.

We had planned to move equipment from the old to the new server room, but due to extremely long delivery times on Infiniband cables, this has been postponed. Current delivery time is mid to late June. We will come back with new dates later for downtime to do the move.

You will not be able to log on to the system from Friday morning through Saturday.

Email will be available as normal


By Torben Leifsen
Published Apr. 8, 2021 7:05 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2021 8:43 PM