Building rehabilitation and downtime June 17. - 26.

We have been informed that the rehabilitation of the roofs of the building will start on Wednesday June 17. This requires some downtime of parts of the computer system.

In the period June 17. to June 26. we will have reduced cooling capacity in the server room. We need to reduce the load as the coolers on the roof will be taken down.

- Storage and servers will remain up. This includes

- We will shut down most of the compute resources and all workstations not needed.

- We will try to keep some compute nodes running, but the capacity will be limited.

- The network will be up as normal.

If you need your workstation at the institute running, you must tell us. Send us an email with the name of the workstation.

A temporary cooler will be installed and in operation by Friday June 26. 


24.04.20, 22:20 Temporary cooler in operation now. If everything goes well tonight, we will start up more nodes tomorrow to increase the load.

23.06.20, 22:05 Temporary cooler installed in the backyard today. Testing starts tomorrow.

21.06.20, 09:15  Beehive, owl34 and hercules15 started up. Plan to take up a few more later today.

20.06.20, 18:25 We had to shut down euclid, hercules, hercules15, beehive, beehive32-gpu, beehive44, beehive45, beehive46, owl26, owl28, owl29, owl33, owl34 and viscacha yesterday due to the high outside temperatures in the evening and overload of the cooling system. We have restarted owl26 and beehive45 now, and will monitor the cooling and see if we can start a few more later.

19.06.20, 19.20 Heat load is to high due to the outside temperature, so we will take down some of the machines that are not currently used. They will be booted up again when the temperature comes down.
17.06.20, 07:30 Shutdown complete. Temperatures are stable with the backup cooling running.

Machines that will remain up:

Linux workstations: 

simal, alker, castor, arion, rukbat, sabik, giedi, dubhe, alpheratz, barakish

Mac workstations: 

pixie, swaar, tuscan, tsugaru, sansa

Compute nodes: 

beehive, beehive43, beehive44, beehive45, beehive46, beehive47

hercules, hercules15



owl24, owl25, owl26, owl27, owl28, owl29, owl30, owl31, owl32, owl33, owl34, owl35

eagle, eagle5




PC’s for the administration will also remain up.

If someone else needs their workstation to be up, let us know before Wednesday morning at 06.00.

Downtime in the weekend June 26. - 28.

In the weekend June 26.-28. we will do maintenance on the StorNext file system and the entire system will be down from Friday 13.00. More info here.

From Monday June 29. all systems will be back. 

When the rehabilitation of the roofs is finished, the temporary cooling system will be removed and our main cooling will be reestablished. There will be some downtime during this transition. We don’t know when this will happen, but will send a new mail when we know more



By Torben Leifsen
Published June 15, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified June 24, 2020 10:21 PM