Reboots on April 23.

We are removing old Dell storage from the system, and need to reboot some machines on Tuesday April 23. between 06:30 and 09:00

The following machines will be booted:

enir, algol, shaula, karbana, arietis, dubhe, hadar, arion, beehive34-47, eagle-eagle6, euclid21, owl17-35, charybdis1-3, viscacha, mimosa2, tsih, tsih2 (, tsih3, electra2, electra3, sunflower (NFS and samba servers).

In addition all Mac workstations will be rebooted

You can expect short hangs on the remaining machines during server reboots.

If you prefer that we reboot your workstation or compute node this week (April 10. - 12.), send a mail to Torben.


23.04.19, 12:05 Done booting

23.04.19, 12:05 topaz is ready

23.04.19. 11:22 eagle4 and eagle5 are ready

23.04.19. 11:15 owl20 is ready

23.04.19. 10:21 owl31 owl33 and owl35 are ready

23.04.19. 09:42 owl29 is  ready

23.04.19. 09:19 eagle6 is  ready

23.04.19. 09:19 eagle-eagle3 are ready

23.04.19, 09:16 mimosa2 is ready

23.04.19, 09:07 euclid21 is ready

23.04.19, 09:04 owl17-19, owl21-27 and owl30 ready. Some problems on owl20, 29, 31, 33 and 35.

23.04.19, 09:00 enir, algol, shaula, karbana, arietis, dubhe, hadar and arion are ready

23.04.19, 08:57 eagle - eagle6 going down

23.04.19, 08:41 euclid21, enir, algol, shaula, karbana, arietis, dubhe, hadar and arion going down

23.04.19, 08:40 charybdis1-3, viscacha, electra2, electra3, sunflower are ready

23.04.19, 08:17 charybdis1-3, viscacha, mimosa2, electra2, electra3, sunflower going down

23.04.19, 08:15 tsih, tsih2 ( and tsih3 are ready

23.04.19, 08:03 owl17-35 going down

23.04.19, 08:01 beehive34-47 are ready

23.04.19, 07:56 tsih2 (, tsih and tsih3 going down

23.04.19, 07:43 beehive34-47 going down

23.04.19, 07:40 Mac's back up. Some problem with topaz

23.04.19, 07:20 Mac workstations down

23.04.19, 07:00 Reboots in progress

Early warning:

The main electricity switchboard in Svein Rosselands house is due to be replaced as part of the refurbishment of the building. They need to connect a temporary power connection to provide power to the server room during construction. To be on the safe side, we will shut down the entire compute and storage system when this is done. As it looks now, this will happen on Friday May 3. afternoon and evening. While we have downtime, we also plan to do some relocation between racks to free up rack space for futute expansion of our tape robot. This will the be done on Saturday May 4.

Dates are not yet finalized and may change.


By Torben Leifsen
Published Apr. 10, 2019 9:43 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2019 12:08 PM