Downtime in the weekend 7/1 - 8/1

We need some downtime in the server room the weekend January 7. - 8. to prepare for replacement of three out of four UPS (battery backup) systems.

Of our four UPSes, one has failed and is currently in bypass, and two have weak batteries.
All three will be replaced with new units.

I will start shutdown early Saturday morning. We don’t know exactlly how much time the electricians need, so we plan for both Saturday and Sunday. It is a good chance that they will finish on Saturday.

All machines and storage (with a couple of  exceptions) will be shut down.

07.01.17, 06:35 Shutting down workstations

07.01.17, 08:00 Storage system and servers down

07.01.17, 10:00 UPSes powered off. Electricians working

07.01.17, 14:00 Electricians done. Starting up

07.01.17, 15:30 Starting up storage

07.01.17, 17:25 Storage and servers up. Starting workstations and compute nodes

07.01.17, 19:05 All machines up, except capra, regulus, suhail and vega. They seem to have some hardware problem. Will be debugged on Monday. Done for today.

07.01.17, 21:20 We had a power outage at 20:53. We are without UPS on part of the system until the new UPSes arrive, and owl1, owl2 and owl5 went down.

08.01.17, 11:00 The power outage blew a fuse, leaving the StorNext storage without power redundancy. Fixed. owl1, owl2 and owl5 also rebooted.






By Torben Leifsen
Published Jan. 6, 2017 11:06 AM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2017 12:41 PM