Downtime on the storage system first week of July

We are replacing two StorNext servers, retireing the oldest parts of the storage and adding new storage to the StorNext storage system. This requires some downtime.  


Monday July 3rd after 16.00:

    /mn/stornext/d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 and /mn/xsan/d1 will be unmounted. 
    All processes accessing these disks will be killed.
    We may need to reboot the NFS server (this may cause temporary hangs on some workstatiions)
    All other stornext disks will remain up

Tuesday July 4th to Thursday July 6th:

    Migration of data from /mn/stornext/d1, d2, d3 and /mn/xsan/d1 to new locations
    Migration of /mn/stornext/d4 and d5 to new servers

Thursday July 6th, after 16.00

    Downtime on all computers at the institute. 
    Migration from old StorNext servers to new.
    The downtime may slip to Friday, depending on how much time data migration needs.


Current location:        New location:
/mn/stornext/d1        /mn/stornext/d14/Planck1
/mn/stornext/d2        /mn/stornext/d15/SAM
/mn/stornext/d3        /mn/stornext/d14/ITA2
/mn/xsan/d1            /mn/stornext/d15/Scratch1

/mn/stornext/d4 and d5 will remain in the same location.


03.07.17 16.15 Unmounting

04.07.16 00:30 Trouble with StorNext NFS-server. Reinstalled. Up again now.

04.07.17 00:30 Migrating data

05.07.17 14:00 Data migration complete. Server migration started

06.07.17 12:00 Migration complete. Preparing for downtime  at 16.00

06.07.17  17.00 Shutdown started

06.07.17  18:05 System down

06.07.17  22:45 Done recabling fibre. NFS server up. Quite some work remaining for tomorrow.

07.07.17  08.00 is up

07.07.17  12:10 owl17-owl24 are ready

07.07.17  12:22 charybdis1-3 are ready

07.07.17  13.40 owl25-28 are ready

07.07.17  14:15 mimosa2, proxima, euclid21 and electra2 are ready

07.07.17  14:50 owl1-owl6 and viscacha are ready

07.07.17  18:30 owl7-owlowl16 are ready

07.07.17  21:20 nekkar, papsukal, aramec, achernar, eagle and eagle2 are ready

08.07.17  08:40 dubhe, shaula, enir, algol and karbana are ready

08.07.17  14:30 All Mac workstations are ready

09.07.17  17:30 hercules nodes are ready

09.07.16  17:30 MIGRATION COMPLETE








By Torben Leifsen
Published July 3, 2017 9:18 AM - Last modified July 9, 2017 5:29 PM