Power outage Friday August 2. to Sunday August 4.

The main electric switchboard in Svein Rosselands house will be replaced between Friday August 2. and Sunday August 4. The server room will be without power and the computer system will be shut down.

We start shutdown Friday at 15.00. We get power back Sunday morning at 10.00 and will then start powering up the system. We expect the system to be back up some time on Sunday.


07.08.19, 20:25 One of our main switches is broken after the power came back. Since this is a 96-port switch, it has a large impact on our compute capacity. We will contact Cisco for a repair in the morning. beehive43-47, owl17-24 and 29-35, pleiades3-12, eagle4-6, charybdis1-3 and viscacha is up. All other compute nodes are down. All workstations and all storage is up.

07.08.19, 17:28 Storage is up and well. Booting servers.

07.08.19, 14:40 The power is OK, the generator is tested OK and finally the UPS (batteries) are back working! We are about to start up the storage and in order the rest of the computers.
This will take time, but we can see the light in the end of the tunnel.

06.08.19, 17:15 The generator problem has continued through the day. They have now concluded that they need some parts that are not available in Oslo. From the information we have now, we can start the storage system around 12-13 tomorrow. We will need some time after that to verify and power up the servers and computers.

This is an awkward and unusual situation, but unfortunately this time it is out of our control.

05.08.19, 17:45 As far as we understand, we will not get the diesel-generator problem solved before tomorrow. Don’t expect the computers to be back until well after lunch tomorrow. We don’t know exactly when.

The reason that we can’t start the system without the generator online and tested after the new switchboard was installed is that we don’t have UPS power to cover the server room during the power outages that will occur when they reenable and test the generator. We can’t power up before we we know we have stable power.

04.08.19, 19:45 The electricians have run into problems with the diesel generator. They need help from the builder of the new electric switchboard. We don’t know exactly when we can start powering up the computers, but don’t count on the computer system during working hours tomorrow (Monday).

04.08.19, 18:05 Still electrical problems. UPS, diesel generator and cooling is still down. Power on of computer system has not yet started.

04.08.19, 15:10 The electricians have some problems with the diesel generator, so we have not yet started powering up. We don't know when it is solved.

04.08.19, 12:15 Due to lack of communication, we were not told that we don't get power back before 14.00. Unnecessary extra drive on a Sunday morning. Don't expect any computers back before 16.00, maybe later.

02.08.19, 16:20 Shutdown complete.

02.08.19, 15:40 All computers down. Shutting down storage.

02.08.19, 15:00 Starting shutdown

By Torben Leifsen
Published July 11, 2019 12:07 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2019 8:29 PM