Network downtime Wednesday 13/10

USIT is upgrading central network routers on Wednesday 13/10 from 17 - 22.

Campus network routers will be upgraded. This requires 2 restarts with up to 30 min downtime in total.

Consequences for our system:

  • In principle our new server room in Helga Engs house is fully redundant, so we should not have any downtime on any servers (including or compute nodes.
  • The network in Sven Rosselands house is not (yet) redundant. All workstations network ports and WiFI will experince the dowtime.

This is the first full scale test of network redundancy for our new server room, so things may go wrong, so be prepared for downtime even if we don't expect it.

See USITs update for details (in norwegian).

You can follow the progess of the work on USITs nett-drift Mattermost channel


By Torben Leifsen
Published Oct. 7, 2021 12:30 PM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2021 12:30 PM