AFU general assembly Summons approved Agenda approved **Some criticism on the white board that can’t be cleaned **Proposed having a bottle of vodka on hand for whiteboard cleaning, some disagreement on whether or not it would be left alone Representatives: Øyvind has most of the deputy positions, and is unfortunately not present this semester (traitor) Pål chosen to be deputy for Øyvind’s deputy positions, and will be acting vice president this semester Aram approved as member Basement coffee: Helle sends out a summons to basement coffee on Monday 8/2-17, at 12:30 Andreas and Sara takes responsibility for getting cookies and making coffee Try to have basement once a month, remember to avoid the weeks with STK4900 AFU library: We will tidy up the library on monday 20/2-17 at 16:00 Tidy the shelves and the books, make room for people to put their stuff there. The books left on the shelf will be available for everyone’s use, but remember to put them back after yourself Make Øyvind approve the job when he comes back. If not, he can do it himself. So there’s that Last semester: Try to have more meeting, more basement coffee, more game nights Last semester was very busy, hopefully this semester won’t be as bad Kitchen: Comments that the kitchen is rather unclean. People need to clean up after themselves. Wipe the counters after yourselves, and rinse the plates before putting them in the dishwasher or on the counter (if the dishwasher is full) Talk to the institute, maybe we can get a projector or TV in the basement for project work and lecture preparations.