afu meeting 21.09.2020

AFU meeting, Monday september 21.
Attendig: Eirik Fredborg, Jonas Lunde, Elias Udnæs, Julie Thingwall, Jakob Borg, Magnus Ingstad, Jessie Warraich, Torstein Ølberg, Ilse Kuperus, Marte Wegger, Nils-Ole Stutzer, Jowita Borowska, Mats Ola Sand.
On zoom: Daniel Heinesen, Alex Ziegenhorn, Gustav Erikstad, Håkon Tansem, Ida Hansen, Markus Bjørklund
Approvals: Everything approved
-   MNSU: Nothing much happened. Discussion about corona and zoom lectures. Not relevant for us at astro.
-   LAMU: Nothing much, talked about the renovation of the institute. Impressed that we fixed reading hall places ourselves. Impractical that we do not have a group room to use now that not everyone can sit in the cellar at the same time.
Reading hall:
-   Midterms?: Continue as before with the seating in the cellar. The week before midterm October 8., 1st graders can sit in the cellar october 3.-7.
-   Basement coffee: Outside coffee? Impractical when it's raining. Easier to do without the second graders? So that the new students can mingle with professors. In peisestua? Maybe Rocs?
-   Common lunch: At Union Blindern? One day every week/every second week, Mondays at 14:15. Try it Monday Sept. 28. at 14:15, reserve table.
-   Game night: Can borrow rocs kitchen after school/work day. With PhD students and professors? Invite everyone at the institute? Thursday October 8.
-   Magic tournaments: Thursday September 24. at 16:00 .
-   Halloween party? October 30.?
-   Escape room? Bowling?
Published Sep. 23, 2020 2:10 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2020 2:10 PM