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Disputas: Håvard Tveit Ihle

Ph.d.-kandidat Håvard Tveit Ihle ved Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Bayesian Data Analysis for Intensity Mapping and CMB Experiments" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

portrettbilde av Håvard Tveit Ihle, ung smilende mann
Stipendiat, Håvard Tveit Ihle. Foto: UiO.

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Grundig og robust dataanalyse er avgjørende for å møte utfordringene i moderne observasjonell kosmologi. Avhandlingen diskuterer dataanalyse-metoder og resultater fra to kosmologiske prosjekter, COMAP og BeyondPlanck.


In the developing field of line intensity mapping (LIM), an approach to measuring spectral line emission from various atoms and molecules in the early universe, we are typically in a situation where we want to measure a weak signal, but our measurements contain large amounts of noise, contamination from other astrophysical sources (called foregrounds) and instrumental errors and biases (called systematics). A similar situation arises in the search for the imprint of primordial gravitational waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).

In this thesis I outline an attempt at dealing with these problems in the context of COMAP (CO Mapping Array Pathfinder), a LIM experiment targeting line emission from carbon monoxide from star forming regions in the early universe. We discuss how to go from the raw data measured by the telescope, to robust estimates of the signal, as well as how we can use the measured signal to understand the properties of the universe. Our preliminary results show that, while we have not detected the signal yet, we are successfully suppressing all systematics, and hope to achieve a detection within a few years.

I also discuss the BeyondPlanck project, an ambitious project to develop an end-to-end Bayesian data analysis pipeline for CMB experiments, where I worked on noise estimation, systematics and calibration.

grafer med blått bakgrunn og guler sirkler
Simulated CO intensity map, the signal we are trying to measure with COMAP.


Emneord: disputas, Kosmologi, Kosmisk bakgrunnsstråling (CMB)
Publisert 16. apr. 2021 09:22 - Sist endret 30. apr. 2021 15:49