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Disputas: Marie Kristine Foss

Ph.d.-kandidat Marie K. Foss ved Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Mapping the Teenage Universe with COMAP" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

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Prøveforelesning - tid og sted

"Weak gravitational lensing as a probe of cosmic history"

Opptaket av prøveforelesningen er ikke tilgjengelig lenger.


Intensity mapping er en ny metode for å studere hvordan galakser har utviklet seg i løpet av universets historie. Avhandlingen beskriver et slikt eksperiment, COMAP, og hvordan vi kan gå fra rå data til kart.


Intensity mapping is a new method to study how galaxies have evolved during the history of the Universe. This is done by looking at the larger structures, meaning the sum of several galaxies, instead of looking at individual galaxies. We can thus include the faint galaxies, which would have been difficult to see. This will also make it easier to see if and how the structure changes over time.

One such experiment is COMAP, the CO Mapping Array Pathfinder. COMAP looks for carbon monoxide (CO), a molecule that is connected to star formation in galaxies, in galaxies during the peak of the formation of stars. This thesis gives an overview of the COMAP experiment, and explains how we can extract the CO signal from the data, with a focus on making a map to visually see the structures. Although COMAP has not reached a detection in the time of writing this thesis, our current results suggest it should be possible within a year or two.

group photo in front of a radio antenna
The COMAP collaboration in front of the telescope in Owens Valley, California.


Publisert 15. jan. 2021 09:11 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2022 14:08