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Disputas: Renate Mauland-Hus

Ph.d.-kandidat Renate Mauland-Hus, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Large-scale structure with massive neutrinos and modified gravity: A simulation-based approach" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

portrettbildet av en ung, smilende kvinne
Ph.d.-kandidat Renate Mauland-Hus. Foto: UiO.

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Delta på prøveforelesning - 8. desember kl. 12:45 (Zoom/Aud. 209, Svein Rosselands Hus)

"The status of the S8 tension"


Massive nøytrinoer og modifisert tyngdekraft er to tilsynelatende forskjellige aspekter av kosmologi - den førstnevnte en påvist massiv partikkel og den sistnevnte en foreslått endring av tyngdekraften. Det viser seg at disse to komponentene har en lignende innvirkning på universets storskalastruktur og dermed oppleves som degenererte parametere for noen observable. Denne avhandlingen undersøker dette videre via konstruksjonen av simuleringer og emulatorer som inneholder begge komponentene, samt analyse av de påfølgende resultatene. 


Massive neutrinos and alternative theories of gravity are two seemingly different aspects of cosmological study. On one hand, we have actual particles known to exist, and on the other, a proposed change to the description of gravity. While the presence of massive neutrinos suppresses structure formation on certain scales, modified gravity theories tend to enhance it, resulting in a degenerate effect for some cosmological observables. To properly constrain models of modified gravity, this degeneracy must be considered. This is also true in reverse, when using cosmology to constrain the absolute mass scale of neutrinos, which is yet to be accurately determined. 

In this thesis, the effects of modified gravity and massive neutrinos are investigated both separately and combined. This is done through the development, use, and analysis of cosmological simulations. The above-mentioned degeneracy is further explored via the analysis of cosmic voids, which are vast underdense regions in the cosmic web. In addition, a pipeline for generating emulators of large-scale structure statistics for universe models beyond the standard one is created using approximate simulation techniques and machine learning. This pipeline, named Sesame, opens the opportunity of studying alternative universe models without the need for large computing resources.

simulation of cosmic web
Dark matter density field for a simulation performed by the ANUBIS code. The figure shows a 300x300x25 h-3 Mpc3slice projected onto two dimensions. Light colours indicate high density, while darker colours indicate low density. (Image by: Renate Mauland-Hus)

Kontaktinformasjon til institutt

Emneord: disputas, Kosmologi, Mørk materie
Publisert 24. nov. 2023 10:00 - Sist endret 7. des. 2023 13:12