The Jan Trulsen Symposium


  • 14.10: Welcome by Hans Pécseli (University of Oslo)
  • 14.15–15.00: Odd Erik Garcia (University of Tromsø)
    Fusion plasma physics and turbulence-driven transport
  • 15.00–15.45: Nils Olsen (Technical University of Denmark)
    Exploring the Earth's magnetic field using satellites – from Ørsted to Swarm
  • 15.45–16.30: Break. Coffee.
  • 16.30–17.15: Dietmar Block (University of Kiel)
    “What Newton might have learned from complex plasmas”
  • 17.15–18.00: Svein Sundby (Institute of Marine Biology, Bergen)
    Physics meet biology in marine ecosystems
Publisert 14. jan. 2011 15:46 - Sist endret 14. jan. 2011 15:46