Fredagskollokvium: The Potential of Machine Learning for Efficient Analysis of Solar Observations

Carlos José Díaz Baso, Postdoctoral Fellow at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo.

portrettbildet av en ung mann med svart hår og briller
Carlos José Díaz Baso, Postdoctor in solar physics at RoCS, University of Oslo. Photo: UiO.

With current and future solar telescopes, the Sun is observed in unprecedented detail, making it possible to study its activity on a very small scales and to discover fascinating phenomena. As a result, large volumes of data are collected that cannot be reasonably analyzed with conventional methods. In the last decade, machine learning and neural networks have emerged as powerful tools to select and analyze relevant information from these huge collections. By exploiting symmetries and patterns in the data, these new techniques can be optimized to perform various autonomous tasks (such as classifications, regression problems, dimensionality reduction, and many others) faster and better than conventional methods. In this contribution, I will review a selection of successful applications to various problems in solar physics, including data preprocessing, automatic solar feature segmentation, image deconvolution, acceleration of spectropolarimetric inversions, and prediction of explosive phenomena. Finally, I will discuss outstanding issues and provide an outlook for future research.

kunstnerisk illustrasjon av solens overflate
Temperature of the solar atmosphere at the chromosphere (upper half) and at the photosphere (lower half) of an active region with ongoing flux emergence. The image cover a field of view of approximately 42 × 42 arcsec and it was observed with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on 2016-09-19. The temperature was derived using our recently developed variational method for fast Bayesian inference. Credits: Díaz Baso, C. J. et al. (2022), A&A 659, A165.

This Friday colloquium will be hybrid. Attendees can therefore participate either in-person or via Zoom. Please join via Zoom at

Meeting ID:690 0104 3754

Passcode: PeiseStua3

Attendees will be muted during the colloquium, but will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end by clicking on the "raise hand” button (or send a request via chat).

Emneord: fredagskollokvium, institute seminar, Solar Physics, Solfysikk, Machine Learning
Publisert 6. mars 2023 12:25 - Sist endret 6. mars 2023 12:27