Prof. Jan-Erik Solheim (ITA): "A Nordic-Baltic summer school with remote observations."



A series Nordic-Baltic summer schools financed by NorFA, has taken place at the Moletai Observatory in Lithuania. The goal has been to teach master students and Phd students something about optical observations, to analyse data and prepare presentations and publications, and most of all to give them some observing experienced.

This observatory has 3 working telescopes, the largest 1.65 m, with instrumentation for photometry, spectroscopy and wide field imaging and it has good facilities for boarding a group of students and lecturers. At the last course in August 2005 time was awarded for remote observations both at the Nordic Optical Telescope and at the IAC80 telescope at Teide observatory. The topic for the school was "Looking inside stars" and lectures and observations concentrated on asteroseismology based on light curve obtained by the students. In my talk I will present how this school worked and some reflections about the possibility of teaching students observing technique by remote observations.

Publisert 12. aug. 2009 10:48 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:48