Jarle Brinchmann: "Next generation of optical & near-IR telescopes: Extremely large and extremely cold"



There is a growing consensus in the astronomical community that we will need 30-100m class optical and near-IR telescopes in the near future, both to gather more photons and to achieve high spatial resolution. Here I will present the status of and technical challenges facing the three main projects underway to construct a 30m-class optical/near-IR telescope. I will contrast this with similar efforts underway to construct telescopes in Antarctica. My emphasis will be in particular on reviewing the exciting science planned - from studies of the first objects in the universe and novel cosmological tests to the detection of Earth-like planets. I will close with a broad overview of how these telescopes will fit into the landscape of astronomical observatories in 10-15 years time.

Publisert 12. aug. 2009 09:41 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:49