Hans Kristian Eriksen: "CMB polarization and QUIET"




The primary goal of Planck is to measure the temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background to the physical limit once and for all. The CMB community is therefore currently re-aligning itself, preparing for the next observational frontier, namely CMB polarization. These measurements will allow us to study anything from standard cosmological parameters to dark energy, neutrino masses and the star formation history of the universe. But most importantly of all, inflation (which I assume everybody at the Institute are intimately familiar with by now :-)) may be probed directly by studying a particular signature in the polarization pattern. In this talk I will first review the basics of CMB polarization, and then describe a particular ground-based experiment called QUIET of which I am a collaborator and that will go on-line next year.

Publisert 12. aug. 2009 09:25 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:49