Ole Humlum (Dept. of Geosciences): Lessons from past and present climate change



Climate variability and change have become important issues over the past few decades. These issues have also prevailed in the international scientific and political scene for over a decade through major programs of scientific research and intergovernmental assessments. The focus on climate research over the last 10-15 years have resulted in an increased awareness that climate is not as constant as it may have appeared previously. Climate science remains, however, a highly complex issue where simplification tends to lead to confusion, and where understanding requires knowledge, openness to new hypotheses, thought and effort. This talk focuses on spatial and temporal variability of climate change within the present interglacial. In addition, likely consequences of climate change for human societies are highlighted, with focus on the 20th century.

Publisert 11. aug. 2009 13:32 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:49