Ramon Oliver (Univ. Mallorca): Waves and oscillations in solar prominences



Many facets of solar prominences are difficult to understand: these objects are dense and cold plasma clouds that somehow manage to defy gravity (that should bring them down towards the Sun's surface) and thermodynamic phenomena (that should heat and destroy them). The observational fact is that prominences often maintain their structure during long times compared to the relevant physical time scales for these processes. Prominence seismology attempts to provide its little grain of sand to the research of prominence properties by comparing the features of detected waves and oscillations with the results of theoretical models. Here we review our observational and theoretical knowledge of this field and show that it is still not fully ripe for giving new insights into the nature of prominences. Some possible conditions for achieving the maturity of the field are proposed.

Publisert 11. aug. 2009 13:30 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:49