Roberto Soler (University of Mallorca): Damped oscillations and collective dynamics of solar filament fine-structures: a theoretical approach



High-resolution observations show that oscillations and waves in solar filament fine-structures, called threads, are common and that they are usually damped in a few periods. In addition, some observations suggest that groups of near threads oscillate coherently (in phase). Observers have also reported the presence of material flows in such filament fine-structures. Here, we investigate theoretically the non-adiabatic MHD oscillations supported by a single cylindrical thread and by groups of threads. The effect of the non-adiabatic mechanisms (radiation, thermal conduction and heating) and the mass flows on the attenuation of oscillations is assessed. We finally find that the existence of wave modes with a collective dynamics, i.e. those that produce significant perturbations in all threads, is only possible for very particular values of the plasma physical conditions and flow velocities within threads.

Publisert 11. aug. 2009 13:03 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:49