Juan Martinez Sykora (ITA): Report from Computational methods in Astrophysics Summer School in Bochum: Numerics MHD



This is a report from the Computational methods in Astrophysics School in Bochum. It was an intensive 2 weeks of lectures, where we learned about Makefiles, cvs, finite volumes and differences, particle in cell, multigrid, parallel computing, MHD, radiative numerics methods, AMR and Multiphysics within other subjects. I will concentrate the talk on numerical MHD, making first an overview of MHD physics. Later, I will show how to write a code depending the problem at hand. I will concentrate in the Oslo Stagger Code (OSC) and I will show some examples of tests which all have to do in order to check the codes. Finally, I will end the talk with some advanced examples of the simulations that are done nowadays.

Publisert 11. aug. 2009 13:12 - Sist endret 15. juni 2011 13:49