Line Nybakk Akerholt: Information-sharing at its full potential?



Based on what we learned from last week's eminent speaker (prof. em. Per Andersen - who introduced us to our brain and how it function and memorizes) I would like to start a discussion at the department on how we use information.

As knowledge only exists in our brains, and because we can't communicate directly face to face with each other at all times, we pass information between us, either via documents or via people who function as mediators for the information. Our ways to pass information determines our capacity to create knowledge as a whole, and if not all nodes operate at their best, or much is lost on the way, we'll loose some of our potential.

I'll give an introduction (10 min), and then "leave" the discussion to you. Therefore some questions to think of in advance:

  • What kind of information habits do we have at the department?
  • Are there differences between cosmologists and solar physicists? (what do we think of our' and others' habits?)
  • How do we use and share different types of information? (what tools do we use to stay up-to-date?)
  • How do we socialize the new and young astronomers into good information habits?
  • What can the library do to help? (are Norwegian index-terms useful -linked to English terms, Inspec and ADS? how can we best send out info about new documents and resources?)

And as we learned from prof. Andersen: we need to feed our brain, so there will be cake!

Publisert 23. mars 2011 17:49 - Sist endret 25. mars 2011 13:31