Fredagskollokvium: Kaare Aksnes: How are the bodies in the solar system named?

Kaare Aksnes, Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, UiO

Our planets and most satellites have names from Greco-Roman mythology. Some satellites  are named after Norse or Inuit gods or literary characters. Comets are named for the discoverers while asteroid names are assigned by an international committee. Moon maps with named features date back to the 17th century.

Modern telescopic observations and optical and radar imaging from ground and space have opened up a whole new world of planetary bodies and their surfaces.  This has required an immense amount of work in cartography and nomenclature. As a member of the International Astronomical Union's Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN), I will give a brief account of its activities during nearly 40 years, using Norwegian planetary names as examples.

Publisert 19. aug. 2011 11:10 - Sist endret 1. des. 2011 09:15