Jorrit Leenaarts: How cool is the Sun?


The minimum temperature in the solar chromosphere is as yet unknown. The coolest gas is expected to exist in the quiet chromosphere where hot shocks travel upward through a cool background atmosphere. Analysis of observations in CO lines puts the minimum temperature of this background at or lower than 2750~K.

I will review the various physical processes that govern the temperature structure of the quiet chromosphere.

I will present results from a 2D numerical simulation that contains a reasonable approximation of all the relevant physics. The minimum temperature in this simulation is below 1900 K.

I will discuss suggestions for observations that can detect such cool pockets of gas and discuss improvements of the simulation needed to obtain a more reliable theoretical estimate of the minimum temperature.

Publisert 14. jan. 2011 15:05 - Sist endret 14. jan. 2011 15:11