Jaime de la Cruz Rodrigues: Chromospheric diagnostics: from 3D models to SST measurements



The magnetic structure of the solar chromosphere remains one of its most challenging properties to measure and diagnose. Few chromospheric lines show (weak) polarization signals and those that do are difficult to model and measure. Detailed interpretation of full-Stokes data from spectral lines formed in the chromospheric data can be made using non-LTE inversion codes. For the first time, we see a realistic 3D MHD chromospheric simulation of the quiet Sun to assess how well NLTE inversions recover physical quantities from spectropolarimetric observations of Ca II 8542 Ã….

Additionally, using full Stokes data, we have attempted to observationally verify the alignment of chromospheric fibrils with the magnetic field. Our results suggest that in most cases fibrils are aligned along the magnetic field direction, but we also find examples where this is not the case.


Publisert 14. jan. 2011 15:16 - Sist endret 28. feb. 2011 19:42