Fredagskollokvium by Cristiano Sabiu: Cosmology Through Higher-Order Statistics

Dr. Cristiano Sabiu, post doc at University College London

Current spectroscopic galaxy surveys (eg SDSS) provides us with a map of large-scale over- densities in the Universe within a volume of ~1 (Gpc/h)^3. Future spectroscopic surveys like BigBOSS or photometric surveys like DES will push this volume even higher allowing us to determine for the first time the evolution of the higher-order clustering statistics with cosmic time. I present results of recent work on the Halo Model interpretation of SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) and discuss current and future work on Counts-in-Cells (CiC) and Bispectrum analysis with emphasis on detection of primordial non-gaussianity.

Publisert 24. aug. 2011 11:55 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2011 11:16